Kucie i obróbka cieplno-chemiczna

Delivery state:
die forgings: raw or shot blasted (possibility of protection by anticorrosive paint)
forgings: normalized, quenched and tempered, softened.
Possibilities of tests:
– strength
– impact
– metallographic (macro & micro)
– chemical constitution
– defectoscope
– fibre run.
Basic devices used in the process of forging:
– steam-air hammers with ram mass of 1.5 t, 6 t,
– die forging hammers with energy of blow of 10 Tm, 6.3 Tm,
– presses type: MAXI 1000 T, 1600T,
– friction press 160 T,
– forging machines: MK 630,
– shot blasting machines,
– bogie hearth glowing furnaces, hearth size: 4 500 x 2000 mm, height of 800 mm.
Heat treatment shop – offers:
– quenching and tempering with protective atmosphere on the technologic line type PEKAT 1.1, max. charge mass 280 kg
– quenching and tempering in the chamber furnace PEKAT, details with mass up to 700 kg ; dimensions of hearth: 1700 x 2000 mm, chamber height: 800 mm
– gas carbonizing on the technologic line type PEKAT 1.1, max. charge mass 280 kg
– isothermal hardening on the technologic line INIMEX and AICHELIN
– induction hardening with currents of average frequencies is realized on the plants of Radian company (toothed wheels)
– induction hardening with currents of high frequencies(UNITHERMA)
– toothed wheels m = 6 ÷ 12, fmax= 800 mm,
– shafts – fmax = 100mm, Lmax = 850mm, advance length of coil: 550 mm
Forging shop has its own production department of forge tools, heat treatment furnaces, 8 overhead cranes with lifting capacity: 2t ÷ 8t
The basic systems used in above mentioned processes are compressed air, natural gas.
More information about production possibilities can be obtained from Energo-Mechanik Sp. z o.o., which is a part of Martech Group.
Energo – Mechanik Spółka z o.o. Oddział Chrzanów
ul. Fabryczna 16
32-500 Chrzanów
Fax: +48 077/ 461 20 63
e-mail: biuro@energomechanik.pl